BACABARENG - If you want to use Corel Draw with the latest version of the course you will mengapus old version of Corel Draw, because if you install Corel Draw two at a time, spase HD is unfortunate for you, because a lot of programs installed laptop you will surely be heavy.
Here is how Uninstall Corel Draw of a laptop, sure clean up the roots.Method 1 for the first way you can use fasitas that exist in windows, because windows themselves have the facilities to dispose of applications that are not in use anymore, steps are as follows- Login Control Panel
- Program select "Uninstall a Program"
- Search Corel Draw you want to unistal
- click Uninstall / Change
- Follow the next stage live Nexts and Nexts
How to 2
In this way we use the second to third-party software to unistal Corel Draw.the name of this application is CCleaner application that you can download the free version and the version berbayarnay, for the download link please ask the mbah yes, how to uninstall Corel Draw with CCleaner is as follows.
- Install first of CCleaner on your leptop
- open the app
- select menu Tools> Uninstall> Select Programs> Uninstall
- then follow the steps to complete selantnya
nah it was two ways that you can use to remove the app from the older version of Corel Draw your leptop. may be useful.
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